3 Reasons To Replace Missing Teeth

At Integrity Dental, we are committed to helping our patients restore and improve their oral health. One of the ways we do this is by offering a variety of tooth replacement options for those who have experienced tooth loss. Whether your tooth loss was due to severe decay, gum disease, trauma, or illness, we are here to provide solutions that will restore your smile and oral function.

Why choose cosmetic dentistry

Top Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments To Perfect Your Smile This Summer

Would you love to improve your smile? If so, now is the perfect time to learn how we can help. With advancements in dental treatment and technology, we can fix any imperfection or problem with your smile. Summer is the perfect time to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and the treatments we offer. If you are like a lot of our patients, you have exciting plans and events happening in the near future, and improving your smile is a way to ensure you will be happy to show it off. Read on to learn more about the cosmetic dentistry treatments we offer.

Dental Implants

Benefits Of Dental Implants

If you have been needing to restore or improve your smile, or we have recommended a treatment during your last visit to our office, there is no time like the present to schedule your appointment. If you or a loved one has experienced tooth loss, one treatment we may have suggested is a dental implant. This treatment has been improved over the years, and now many more patients than ever are eligible. Patients love this treatment because of the endless benefits. Read on to learn more about dental implants and the many advantages of this treatment.

Could you benefit from this life changing treatment?

Could You Benefit From This Life-Changing Treatment?

Do you suffer from missing teeth, severe tooth decay or would you love to improve your dentures? If so, we know that it can be frustrating and confusing to choose a tooth replacement option or decide your best course of action when upgrading dental hardware. You want to choose something that fits your lifestyle and budget best while also allowing you to enjoy your smile. Dental implants are always our first recommendation to patients; however, not every patient is an ideal candidate. Are you? Read on to see.

What are my options for tooth replacement

What Are My Options for Tooth Replacement?

Have you made the decision to replace your missing tooth or teeth? At Integrity Dental, we know that it can be tough to make the difficult decision of which replacement method is best for your needs. We are happy that you are putting your oral health in the forefront and starting the process. We will work with you every step of the way to answer any questions you have about which choice will be best for your lifestyle and budget, while ensuring that you remain comfortable and understand whichever process you choose. We offer a variety of tooth replacement methods that we briefly want to explain to give an overview of what we may discuss with you.

Important reasons to replace missing teeth

Important Reasons To Replace Missing Teeth

Are you upset about your missing tooth? We understand that it can be a big adjustment when a tooth needs to be extracted or falls out due to decay, illness, or injury. It can affect the way you chew and speak and can also greatly affect your self-esteem. We recommend that our patients replace their missing teeth as soon as possible. Over time, missing teeth can negatively affect your oral health.

feel confident again with this life changing treatment over a woman standing in a crowd of people hiding their faces behind question mark posters

Implants: A Life-Changing Dental Treatment

Do you avoid smiling because of a missing tooth? Are you ready to fix a damaged or decayed tooth? Do your dentures have you saying, “Enough is enough.” Countless numbers of patients have turned to dental implants as a solution to missing teeth or damaged teeth that are beyond repair. Dental implants are a permanent solution offering the strongest support for replacement teeth. The best part is they function and look just like your natural teeth.